Meditation Workshop

Meditation Workshop : My Take Aways (A Workshop by Yogacharya Ankit Garg ji (Charak Yoga Centre) on "Meditation - What Why & How") I. Meditation Myths Myth 1: it's a lifestyle element Myth 2: it's a quick fix to stress and other mental psychologial issues, disorders Myth 3. It's a Tool ( reflected in sitting, closing eyes, accompanied by some breath pattern and chanting of Mantra) Myth 4. As a tool its easy to practice and is something synonym to a medicine or fast food which quenches immeditate hunger Myth 5: It's a form of religious karma / practice Other from own experiences and belief in people n society as propagatted n received or understood Myth5: it's something fundamentally related to Hindu dharm which facilitates Mokcha and practicing it will take one to Heaven and prevent from ills of earthly world and rebirth Myth 6: practicing Meditation produces miracles and pleasing God by doing this will fulfill desires Meditation Explained : 1. The larger meaning and connotation of Meditation word and Concept as explained in scriptires bhagwad gita, charak samhita, yogis and learned philosophers It's spiritual I. E Connecting with Self, Exploring self and channelising self.. Mind body and soul which is directed towards life goals ( spiritual and could be more - mundane as well ) via self goals ( which is individual centruc) and these goals can be personal, familial, proffesional, societal. Meditation as commonly understood myth 2 and 3 is a part of the larger concept of meditation explained today And as a tool to explore self or connect with self or discover self also, it's not a easy quick fix nor is just mechanical or mathematical / chemical The process towards the end explained suggested clearly how it is to be done and how much and what it takes to get result out of it. II. Shutting down of thoughts 2.1 When and What When is not a question : as thoughts cross our minds every second nano seconds What is a question : depends our context what thoughts come n in what intestity Good thoughts, pleasurable thoughts are equally imp to be taken care of Or controlled as negative or depreasive thoughts Meditation doesnt shut thoughts in fact no one can shut thoughrs, it helps filter and channelise our thoughts which helps us feel better work better and live better wherever whatever we do E.g. a relaxing person reading a novel or watching TV or talking to kids or spouse will be able to filter away myriad thoughts which would have crossed otherwise and at the same time bring better thoughts in context of the talks a relaxing person may be having. Similalry a kid studying shall have a similar experiencev Personal experience say the more introspection one does the more one is self connecred the more meditation process one follows.. Better thoughts better ideas better innovative creative one is more confident more calm n cool more emphathetic n connecred to people n narure one becomes.. One may reach a stage of spiritual contentment III. .Nirvikar : selfless, detatched and away from vikars in simple words This same workshop if you doing with out greed, lust, ego, without a sense of competition, commercial gains ( making up cost or even making gains is different than a profit motive with greed) will be nirvikar but the moment it has all these vikar inherited then it's not nirvikar Love with person: selfless to the extent that whether one posseses the other physically or not, forget about the ego interests, life support or partner interest, security interest, possesiveness, wealth interest, fame interest is alone nirvikar IV. Dwesh.. ( is a word explained in detail differently in diff philosophy which entails a broader conotation than mere Enmity !! ( Ayurveda philosophy suggests : Dveṣa (द्वेष) refers to “(the urges of) hatred”, mentioned in verse 4.25 of the Aṣṭāṅgahṛdayasaṃhitā (Sūtrasthāna) by Vāgbhaṭa.—Accordingly, “[...] He, however, who desires welfare both after his death and here shall always suppress the urges of avarice, jealousy, hatred, envy, passion [viz., lobha-īrṣyā-dveṣa-mātsarya-rāga], etc. after having subjugated his senses [viz., jitendriya]”. 1) Dveṣa (द्वेष):—Aversion to good V.Good bad khushi dukh There is not nkr should not be any distiction in good or bad, happiness or sorrow, all kind of thoughts need to be filtered, channelised, controlled. Excess of Amrit ( Honey) is as bad as excess of venom ( liqour) VI.Drawing pleasure in Gali, drinking liqour, smoking, loving women, ( again thoughts n conduct shall be guided by self introspevtion n knowing self) however it being good, bad, being vikar, nirvikar is determined by social leggal norms, slcietal, familial personal values these have definitions drawn from society values and also has time dimension .they change... But the thoughts and conduct around these also get impacted by meditation as a process and in its broader concept of self introspection n self discovery. It is possible a person's stops drinking because he or she get same intoxication and feel in meditation as they get in consuming liqour, their love for each other or their actions upgrade to a higher level which is nirvikar VII.Meditation aa explained.. It's micro terms, elements, concepts are indpendent for the understanding purpose. In practice they are a summative whole, they are not linear. They are not sequentislal, they overlap, VIII. . Meditation as a process is dynamic not static.. It doesn't stop.. It doesn't end or is complete, it evolves, it could be cyclic, it can come back even after it seems to be complete Its a flow.. Life long


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